Crisis of Social Institutions! Civil Code Articles! Appearance in the courts! Activated as it is! The apex of the judiciary! Become the worlds first ruling article! The player becomes a civil law article that upsets society and cleverly manipulates human beings! The idea of the players article is the restoration of the dominant article, which is a species of its own self-identification! Of course, such an article does not exist in reality, but this is the age of diversity! Lets manipulate the article with such an idea to extract a fair ruling from the humans! When you have had enough of cleverly manipulating the social system, the next step is the court! Here, you will focus on taking evidence as parts after it appears in the courtroom! Of course, the court will be heavily guarded, so adequate preparation in the society is recommended! Once the preparation in the court is over, its time for the final stage! We aim to reach the top of the judicial world! How much influence you have gained depends on how well you have prepared so far! Show your final influence as a score!Crisis of Social Institutions! Civil Code Articles..ALL
Developer anonymous|Date and time 70/1/1 9:44:16 Build time unknown sec|Game capacity 2.656KB|Script