Genre: Vertical scrolling RPG game Specifications: The scene consists of four screens: the start menu screen, map movement screen, battle screen, and game over screen. The start menu contains commands to start the game, and selecting start switches to the map movement screen. To move, the player simply walks up and down, using only the left and right controls, and avoiding enemies as they appear. Enemies appear and disappear, waiting in randomly placed locations. When an enemy encounters the player, the screen changes to a command selection screen and the battle begins. 4 battle commands are available for the hero to choose from to defeat the enemy. The game is over if the player runs out of hit points during battle, or falls into a trap or crack during movement. Hit points are inherited.Genre: Vertical scrolling RPG game Specifications:..ALL
Developer anonymous|Date and time 70/1/1 10:17:06 Build time unknown sec|Game capacity 4.626KB|Script