[uid] => D2115308_6dMm
[isE] => 1
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Marubatsu game There are 3 vertical and 3 horizontal squares in a square of the same size. A person (hereinafter referred to as the player) who writes only circles in the squares and an AI who writes only crosses (hereinafter referred to as AI) each fills one square at a time. A game that fills in the blanks Players can write three consecutive circles vertically, horizontally, or diagonally in a row, then they will say "win". AI aims to write three Xs in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. If the player can make a row of 3 circles vertically, horizontally or diagonally, it will say "lost". If you write one row in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, fill in the third square in that row with a cross.Marubatsu game There are 3 vertical and 3 horizont..ALL
Developer User3293|Date and time 23/6/18 18:47:09
Build time 55.065 sec|Game capacity 4.499KB|Script
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