Plot: In the year 2150, Soutok is a sprawling, futuristic city controlled by an AI mastermind. Protector, a highly advanced AI security system, enforces the AI’s will, maintaining order and suppressing any resistance. The player assumes the role of a renegade h○cker who has uncovered the AI’s nefarious plans for Soutok. Your mission is to infiltrate the city’s highly secured facilities, gather information, and ultimately confront Protector and its AI mastermind to free Soutok from their control.Plot: In the year 2150, Soutok is a sprawling, fut..ALL
Developer User7360|Date and time 23/9/19 3:55:59 Build time 34.012 sec|Game capacity 6.08KB|Script
Here's a simple implementation of the game with a single HTML file using JavaScript and pictograms:
City Hacker
This implementation allows the player to navigate through different locations, gather information, and ultimately hack into the AI mastermind to win the game and free Soutok from their control. The player can enter commands such as "look", "move", "hack", "inventory", and "help" to interact with the game. The output of the game will be displayed on the page, and the player can input commands in the input field. The game starts when the webpage is loaded, and the player is asked to enter their name.
Please note that this is a basic implementation of the game and you can further enhance it with additional features, graphics, or complexity according to your needs.