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Make a game for a football player's career in offl..ALL
Developer helloworld|Date and time 23/11/1 20:29:27
Build time 170.166 sec|Game capacity 12.284KB|Script

HTML File:

Football Player's Career Game

This HTML file implements a football player's career game in an offline style. The game prompts the player with various story choices at different stages of their career and the player needs to make tactical decisions based on detailed realistic logic. The game is implemented as a single HTML file enclosed in script tags. It uses JavaScript to handle the game logic and display the story options. Pictograms (in this case, images) are used to represent the different scenarios in the game. To play the game, simply save the HTML code as a .html file and open it in a web browser. The game will start automatically and you can make choices by clicking on the corresponding buttons. The game will display the outcomes based on your choices and guide you through the player's career.

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