Sure! Here's an example of a simple implementation of the Flappy Bird game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, all in a single HTML file:
To use this code, save it as an HTML file (e.g., `flappy_bird.html`), and make sure to have a `emozi_all/bird.png` file in the same directory as the HTML file. Open the HTML file in a web browser to play the game. To make the game playable on a smartphone, you can open the HTML file on a mobile browser.
This implementation includes a simple game loop, allows the bird to jump when the user taps/clicks, keeps track of the score, and ends the game when the bird collides with the pipes or goes outside the game area. After the game ends, a "Game Over" alert is displayed, and after a second delay, the game restarts automatically.
Please note that this is a basic implementation and can be improved and expanded further.